5 July 2023 - Cloudy Moonrise
The evening didn't start as planned - an ominous cover of clouds threatened to end our stargazing session. Just when we thought the weather had won, the clouds parted momentarily, creating a window straight to the very heart of our galaxy.

Before long, the moon ascended majestically, casting an ethereal glow across the landscape while still allowing the faint glow of the Milky Way's core to shimmer above it. The event was so mesmerizing that you'd be forgiven for mistaking it for a sunrise!

The magic of the evening extended beyond the celestial display. The brilliance was also reflected in the eager minds of our guests. Our discussions ranged from the retrograde motion of the planets, depths of black holes to the possibilities of interstellar travel, and the concept of time dilation. It was a joy to witness the spirit of curiosity and the thirst for knowledge among the group.
As I look back at the photograph of the mesmerizing moonrise beneath the faint Milky Way core, I am taken back to that wonderful night, the sights we witnessed, and the enquiring minds that came together. This workshop was a treasured memory of our shared journey under the night sky and the endless wonders it holds.
Until the next celestial adventure, keep looking up!
Date: 05 July 2023
Location: Zebra Stone Litchfield, Northern Territory, Australia