The core of the Carina Nebula (with Hubble Palette)

Core of the Carina Nebula.jpg

The data behind this image was collected using a telescope from an observatory in Chile remotely.

The photo does not represent the 'true colour' of the nebula but rather a scientific interpretation of the data. The emissions from different elements were put into different colour channels to differentiate their origins.

(This process is called colour mapping, and this particular image used the Hubble Palette where sulphur emissions were put on the Red Channel, Hydrogen on Green and Oxygen on Blue)

It really is an elegant way of combining the beauty of nature and science. Realistically, because Hydrogen is the most abundant element around (and Hydrogen emission looks red), the 'natural colour' of this nebula would be faint red to most camera sensors.


The Tarantula Nebula


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