Abell 1060 The Hydra Cluster

This image captures a corner of a galaxy cluster called the Hydra Cluster. The cluster consists of 157 bright galaxies, each containing several million to hundreds of billions of stars.

Some galaxy clusters are huge, containing thousands of galaxies, and we happen to live inside such a cluster called 'the Virgo Supercluster'. In it, our Milky Way Galaxy occupies a small neighbourhood with several other galaxies, namely 'the local group'.

Think of all the stars inside a galaxy, and all the galaxies inside a cluster; then recognise the fact that even a supercluster is nothing but a small node in an even larger structure called ' the cosmic web'. All the matters are threaded into this tapestry by gravity and dark energy, forming the grandest structure in the cosmos.

More about 'the Cosmic Web': https://youtu.be/gCx_e1Qa9OE

(The data was acquired from Telescopelive, which I processed using pixinsight and photoshop)


NGC 5128 Centaurus A


NGC 6946 The Fireworks Galaxy