17 July 2023 - The Varieties of Stargazing Experience

"I know a story about Ursa Major!" says a boy excitedly.

"Well, tell us then."

"It's from Greek mythology; it was once the beautiful maiden whom the god Zeus had an affair with..."

The night sky for the boy was a giant canvas painted with constellations, each one carrying a deep cultural heritage and wonderful stories. But for others, it means different things. While he was sharing the story, some people eagerly pointed the telescope to the stars and peered into the eyepiece; others lay down and quietly looked up at the beautiful arch of the Milky Way like our ancestors did for thousands of years, some even use technologies to venture deep into the cosmic ocean and take pictures of the wonders that remain hidden to our limited eyesight...

The joy of engaging with the night sky is not limited to a single path. It is a garden of myriad experiences, each evoking a unique feeling and offering a different perspective. Whether through our imagination, the lens of a camera, the eyepiece of a telescope, or just the unaided eye, every glance upward invite us to wonder, explore, and dream.

Here's to the beautiful night sky, and the varieties of stargazing experiences.

Date: 17 July 2023

Location: Zebra Stone Litchfield, Northern Territory, Australia


For James - The Universe Awaits


15 July 2023 - In Heaven As It Is On Earth