Mosaic of Corona Australis Molecular Cloud

In the fascinating southern night sky, there's a constellation that has captivated the curiosity of humans for thousands of years, known as Corona Australis, or the Southern Crown. Nestled within the arms of this celestial crown is the Corona Australis Molecular Cloud, an interstellar dust cloud full of secrets that we're only just beginning to understand. This is not your everyday dust, the kind you find under your bed or on your bookshelf. No, this is cosmic dust, complex molecules and tiny grains born from the ashes of stars. It's the stuff of life - organic molecules - scattered across the cosmos, whispering the tale of stars long gone.

Interstellar dust clouds like the one in Corona Australis, suspended in the cold and dark space, might seem desolate and barren. Yet they are cosmic cradles, nurturing new stars and possible worlds. As we gaze upon such distant wonders and strive to comprehend their mysteries, we come one step closer to reading the cosmic origin of our own story written among the stars. As we explore, we discover that the universe is not merely above us but also within us; for we are all made of star stuff.

(The original data was acquired from iTelescope, which I processed using Pixinsight and Photoshop).


Supernova in M101 the Pinwheel Galaxy (SN2023ixf)


Messier 16 - The Eagle Nebula